10 Indicators You Might Be Terribly Selfish Without Knowing It
Constant Need for Attention You always steer conversations back to yourself and crave being the center of attention, disregarding others' contributions or feelings.
Lack of Empathy You struggle to understand or care about the emotions and experiences of others, often dismissing their feelings as unimportant.
Reluctance to Share You find it difficult to share your resources, time, or space with others, prioritizing your own needs and wants above those of others.
Interrupting Others You frequently interrupt others while they are speaking, indicating that you value your own words more than theirs.
Rarely Apologizing You seldom apologize for your mistakes or wrongdoings, and when you do, it's often insincere or done reluctantly.
Taking Credit for Everything You often take credit for group achievements or others' ideas, downplaying or ignoring the contributions of others.
Ignoring Boundaries You disregard or overstep others' personal boundaries, believing that your needs and desires take precedence.
Impatience with Others You become easily frustrated or annoyed when others take too long to make decisions or complete tasks, expecting everyone to operate on your schedule.
Prioritizing Your Comfort You consistently prioritize your own comfort and convenience, even at the expense of others' well-being or happiness.
Lack of Genuine Interest You show little genuine interest in the lives, opinions, or well-being of others, focusing conversations and interactions on yourself.