Turmeric's curcumin improves brain health by increasing serotonin, dopamine, memory, and brain cell growth, best through supplements.
"Crunchy brain-boosters: peanuts, walnuts, almonds. Loaded with vitamin E, healthy fats. Mindful of calories. Enhance meals, snacks, and cognition."
Choose whole grains like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal for maximum brain-boosting vitamin E and overall health benefits.
Sardines, trout, salmon, tuna, soybeans, chia seeds, flaxseed: rich omega-3 sources for memory, mood, and mental health.
brain superfoods with B vitamins & choline. Boost mood, memory, balance, and fight aging. Consider supplements if needed.
Avocado's healthy fats improve brain health by managing blood pressure, protecting brain vessels.
top antioxidant, fight inflammation, boost brain, prevent memory loss, reduce mental decline. Add to smoothies, cereal, or snack.
Pumpkin seeds' minerals prevent brain fog, enhance memory, and may prevent conditions like depression, migraines, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.