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How To Make Healthy Vegan Cheese At Home

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Blend soaked nuts, yeast, garlic (opt.), lemon juice, salt, water for vegan cheese.


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Soak nuts in water 4 hrs+. Softens for blending.

1. Soak the Nuts

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After soaking, drain and rinse the nuts thoroughly.

2. Drain and Rinse

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Blend soaked nuts, yeast, garlic, lemon juice, salt. Add water gradually for smoothness.

3. Blend

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Adjust taste: more yeast for cheesiness, lemon juice for tang, salt for flavor.

4. Adjust Flavors

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Smooth mix: shift to container. Mold as block or spreadable.

5. Transfer and Set

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Place the container in the refrigerator to allow the cheese to set and firm up. It will become more cheese-like as it chills.

6. Refrigerate

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Once the vegan cheese has set, it's ready to be enjoyed! Use it as a spread, dip, or topping for various dishes.

7. Serve

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