Yellow Star
Yellow Star

The Most Simplest Skincare Routine On The Planet



If you have never begun a skin care routine, it is critical to begin with something easy and effective. Use as few items as possible to achieve the best outcomes.

Each morning



When I woke up, the first thing I did was drink two glasses of water. I also set reminders for myself at work to replenish my water bottle until it became a habit.

Drink plenty of water



It makes no difference how many anti-aging products you use if you don't protect your skin with SPF. If you just do one thing during the day, make it applying sunscreen.

Wear sunscreen



While the day is about preventing damage, the night is about using more potent anti-aging chemicals to restore your skin.

Every evening



Those wipes are chemically laden! And, while they technically remove makeup, they don't clean your face very well - most of them leave a film on your skin.

Get rid of makeup remover wipes



It is critical to utilize actives in the evening that will transform your skin as you sleep. At night, retinol, vitamin E, ferulic acid, hyaluronic acid, and fruit acids are all essential.

Make use of a serum



After using a serum, use a nice moisturizing cream. It's thick and creamy, yet it absorbs fast, so I don't wake up with crap all over my face.

Also, a moisturizer



I had frequently chapped lips, maybe (well, definitely) because I was never properly hydrated.

Don't forget the lips

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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