Yellow Star
Yellow Star

DIY Anti-Aging Creams For Youthful Skin



Ingredients : 1 1/2 tbsp coconut oil,  1/2 tbsp vitamin E oil,  2 tbsp beeswax,  A few drops of essential oil of your choice

3. Coconut Oil, Beeswax And Vitamin E Oil mix



In a glass container, melt beeswax over a double boiler. Add coconut oil as it melts. Stir the mixture until it is completely melted.



Remove from the flame and stir in your favorite essential oil and vitamin E oil. Stir everything together completely. Chill the mixture in a glass container.



Before going to bed, massage a small amount of this mixture into your skin in circular motions. Leave it on for the night. Refrigerate it until ready to use.



Ingredients : 1/2 ripe avocado,  1 tbsp beeswax,  1 tbsp olive oil,  1 tbsp wheatgrass juice

2. Avocado, Beeswax and Olive Oil Mix



In a mixing dish, combine avocado pulp and lemon juice. Set it aside. Wait for the beeswax to melt in a double boiler. Combine avocado, olive oil, and wheatgrass juice in a mixing bowl.



Remove from the heat and allow to cool and solidify. Apply a small amount of the aforesaid lotion to your face every night before sleeping. Leave it on for the night.



Ingredients : 1 tbsp shea butter,  2 tbsp beeswax,  2 tbsp coconut oil,  1 tsp jojoba oil,  1tsp sandalwood oil,  1/4 cup almond oil

1. Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil & Beeswax Mix



In a glass dish, combine shea butter, beeswax, almond oil, and coconut oil. On a double boiler, wait for the ingredients to melt.



Continue adding and melting ingredients until all are melted. Allow the melted solution to harden in a glass container.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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