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Step-By-Step Skincare Routine For Beginners



Cleansing is the first step in every skincare process, and it will be the first step in your basic skincare routine.

1. Cleansing



It cleanses your skin of grime, debris, and impurities and prepares it for the subsequent skincare products. Cleanser penetrates your skin and draws out all the impurities.



Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, pollutants, and any cleanser residue from the skin. It revitalizes your skin and gives it a healthy shine.

2. Exfoliation



However, this is not something you should do every day. It is sufficient to visit 2-3 times every week. There are several scrubs on the market that will help you exfoliate your skin.



Hydrated skin is content skin. A moisturizer aids in keeping your skin moisturized. Moisturizers increase skin barrier function and hydration, resulting in soft, supple, and plump skin.

3. Moisturising



This is the step you take after exfoliation on days when you exfoliate the face, or after cleansing on days when you don't exfoliate the face.



The amount of damage that the sun's dangerous UV rays may cause to your skin is considerable, therefore constantly use sunscreen to protect it.

4. Sunscreen application



Sunscreen has some incredible chemicals that protect your skin from UV damage and fight photoaging. Apply sunscreen as the final step in your skincare process.



Remember that sunscreen is essential regardless of the weather. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher for maximum protection.

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Yellow Star

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