10 Best Arm Workouts for Women After 50

Bicep Curls:

Use dumbbells or resistance bands to perform bicep curls, which strengthen the front of your arms.

Tricep Dips:

Use a sturdy chair or bench to perform tricep dips, which strengthen the back of your arms.

Tricep Extensions:

With a dumbbell or resistance band, extend your arms overhead and lower the weight behind your head.


Modified push-ups or wall push-ups can help strengthen your arms and chest.

Shoulder Taps:

Get into a plank position and alternate tapping each shoulder with the opposite hand, engaging your core and arms.

Arm Circles

Use dumbbells or resistance bands to perform bicep curls, which strengthen the front of your arms.

Band Exercises:

Perform various exercises with resistance bands, such as lateral raises, front raises, and rows, to target different muscles in your arms.

Wall Angels

Use dumbbells or resistance bands to perform bicep curls, which strengthen the front of your arms.

Seated Rows:

Use dumbbells or resistance bands to perform bicep curls, which strengthen the front of your arms.

Shoulder Press:

Sit or stand with dumbbells in hand and press them overhead, focusing on controlled movements to work your shoulders and arms.

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