8 Top Exercises Trainers Want You to Try

Bulgarian Split Squats: This single-leg squat variation helps build strength in the lower body and improve balance.


Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are a dynamic full-body exercise that targets the hips, glutes, and core while also providing cardiovascular benefits.


Deadlifts: Deadlifts are a compound exercise that strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings, promoting overall strength and muscle development.


Battle Ropes: Battle ropes offer a high-intensity cardio and strength workout, engaging the upper body and core while improving endurance.


Box Jumps: Box jumps enhance leg strength and power and can be an excellent addition to plyometric training routines.


TRX Suspension Training: TRX suspension training uses straps to engage multiple muscle groups, providing a challenging and versatile workout.


Medicine Ball Slams: Medicine ball slams work the entire body and can help improve explosive power and coordination.


Plyometric Push-Ups: Plyometric push-ups involve explosive push-ups that help build chest and tricep strength and improve upper body power.


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