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High Protein Beetroot Dip A Healthy Post Workout Snack

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Beet dip: Blend beets, yogurt, garlic, lemon, tahini, oil. Season. Garnish. Serve with veggies/pita. Nutritious post-workout snack!


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You can either roast, boil, or steam the beets until they're tender. Let them cool, then peel and chop them.

1. Prepare the Beets

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In a food processor or blender, combine the cooked beets, Greek yogurt or skyr, minced garlic, lemon juice, tahini, and olive oil. Blend until smooth and creamy.

2. Blend Ingredients

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Add salt and pepper to taste. You can also adjust the amount of lemon juice, garlic, and tahini according to your preferences.

3. Season

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Transfer the dip to a serving bowl. Garnish with fresh herbs for added flavor and presentation.

4. Serve

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Pair with pita, veggies for nutrients.

5. Dipping Options

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Nutritional Benefits

Beets = vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, energy. Greek yogurt = protein, calcium, probiotics. Tahini = healthy fats, iron. Olive oil = heart health. Garlic = immunity. Lemon = tangy, vitamin C.

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