13 Strange Things Women Have Encountered on First Date

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The date bringing their parent along

Imagine arriving at the meeting place only to find your date has brought one of their parents. This unexpected third wheel can create an awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere.

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A pet show-and-tell

Some people are extremely attached to their pets, which is understandable. However, it can be surprising when your date insists on bringing their pet to the first date without prior discussion.

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A sudden obsession

It's not uncommon for people to have hobbies or interests, but it can be strange when your date becomes intensely focused on a specific topic and dominates the conversation with it throughout the entire evening.

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A mysterious disappearance

In some cases, a date might suddenly disappear without explanation. They might excuse themselves to go to the restroom and never return, leaving you confused and wondering what happened.

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The overly extravagant display

While gestures like flowers or small gifts can be sweet, some individuals go overboard on first dates. It can be overwhelming if your date arrives with an elaborate arrangement, extravagant gifts, or a grand gesture that feels out of place.

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A strange food combination

 Discovering that your date has unique culinary preferences can be intriguing, but it can also be quite bizarre when they insist on combining unexpected or incompatible flavors during the meal.

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The conspiracy theorist

It can catch you off guard when your date reveals an intense belief in various conspiracy theories. The conversation can take a strange turn as they share their unconventional perspectives.

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An impromptu performance

Some people enjoy attention and may use a first date as an opportunity to showcase their talents. Whether it's singing, dancing, or performing magic tricks, these unexpected acts can make for an unusual experience.