10  Best Secrets for Losing Weight Fast

Being aware of how you treat your body and what you put in it is one of the most important things you can do for your general health and weight loss.

1. Choose a healthy lifestyle.

Whether you're working out or just relaxing at home, water is your best friend, so fill up your bottle and drink up! 

2. Drink plenty of water.

Not only should you drink enough water, but it's also a great idea to squeeze some fresh lemon into your water. It will make your drinks taste much better without adding a lot of extra calories. 

3. Add fresh lemon to your water.

Stress is really bad for your body. In fact, study shows that long-term stress can kill and is also directly linked to being overweight.

4. Keep the stress at bay.

This may sound like a lot of work, but if you want to lose weight quickly, keeping track of what you eat can be very helpful.

5. Track your calories in a food diary or journal.

Find little ways to burn more calories throughout the day besides your regular workouts. 

6. Find small ways to torch calories during the day.

When it comes to group exercise, there are a lot of different things you can do. Find one or more that you like, from barre to Zumba to hula hoop to aerial yoga.

7. Take a group fitness class you love.

When it comes to group exercise, there are a lot of different things you can do. Find one or more that you like, from barre to Zumba to hula hoop to aerial yoga.

8. Take a group fitness class you love.

Your present diet might have a lot of fats and carbs but not much protein. Adding more protein to your diet is a good way to get back on track in the kitchen. 

9. Bump up your protein.

You could go to the gym every day and eat well most of the time, but if you don't get enough sleep, you won't see much change.

10. Get more restful sleep.

When you're trying to lose weight, don't forget that if you don't do muscle-strengthening activities, you'll also lose muscle mass along with fat.

11. Strength train.