Stress has become a big part of our daily lives for a lot of us. Stress can cause a lot of health problems, including hair loss, if it is not dealt with.
This is something I've done myself. I lost about 35 pounds in three months, and I started to notice that I was loosing more hair than usual every day.
Childbirth is one of the most physically and emotionally stressful events in a woman's life, thus some experience unexpected hair loss during and after.
I know there’s something extremely relaxing about the heat and feel of it as it sits on your scalp.
As you might expect, if you use too much heat to style your hair, bleach it, or use dangerous permanent treatments, your hair will become stressed and fall out.
“The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition that happens with aging.
Even though they are good for our hair, using them too much can cause inflammation and/or blockage of our hair cells.
According to experts at WebMD, 30 million American women experience a hereditary condition that causes hair loss, affecting about 50% of all women.
Many women lose more hair when they go through menopause, but experts say this may be more of a sign of getting older than of menopause itself.
We all know that good nutrition and proper supplementation are keys to a healthy lifestyle.