One of the most common ingredients that people put in their smoothies for an added texture of creaminess is yogurt.
Canned fruit might seem like the fastest, cheapest, and most handy way to add your favorite fruit to a smoothie, but most canned fruits are packed in syrups that add to the total amount of sugar in your smoothie.
Hazelnuts are just a nutritious as any other nut, loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats.
You've finished adding in your smoothie ingredients and you feel like incorporating some more sweetness.
Similarly to the reason you may want to avoid flavored yogurt, adding fruit juice is just going to increase the amount of sugar going into your smoothie.
Technically, a smoothie with alcohol in it is probably just a daiquiri. Either way, it's best to save boozy frozen fruit drinks for special events and limit how often you drink them.
Nut butters, avocados, and coconut oil are healthful smoothie ingredients that give vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.