13 Tips To Keep the Weight off for Good

Prioritize whole foods over processed foods.

The best way to fuel your body and help you lose weight is to choose whole foods instead of processed foods.


Get sufficient beauty sleep.

"Poor sleeping patterns can cause an increase in calorie intake and reduce your motivation to exercise.


Maintain a calorie deficit.

A calorie shortfall means that you burn more calories than you take in, and "maintenance" means that the numbers are pretty much the same. 


Make your meal planning simple.

Planning meals doesn't have to be hard or take a long time. Your physical and mental health will benefit greatly from making this process easier.


Lower your stress.

You're likely already aware that stress can have detrimental effects on your body; it can even lead to weight gain.


Don't drink your calories.

Lemonade, iced tea, and pop all taste good, but they are full of sugar and have a lot of calories that you don't need.


Don't be hasty when it comes to meal decisions.

If you want to keep your weight down for good, you should never decide what to eat "on the fly.


Don't be hasty when it comes to meal decisions.

If you want to keep your weight down for good, you should never decide what to eat "on the fly. 


Only eat when you're sitting.

This pro tip is an excellent way to get impulse eating under control.


Complete portion check-ups.

Performing "portion check-ups" is always a good idea—especially when you're dining out.


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