11 Things That Boomers Love That Are Really Hard for Us To Understand

1. Being the First One to Break the News of Death to Others

2. Chatting Aimlessly for Hours

Old people like to hang out with other old people at any time of day. Many Redditors can connect to it because they share similar stories.

3. Liking Classical Music

Older people don't seem to care much about the latest and most popular music. They love the old tunes and sounds so much that they don't care about anything new and coming up in music.

4. Watching the News

They can't get enough of the news, and you're more likely to find them glued to the news than to your Netflix shows.

5. Over-Sharing Information

If they are having a problem, they will make sure everyone in the house knows about it. They don't care how it might be taken or if it will be accepted or not.

6. Silverware

Older people tend to collect silverware, while younger people are crazy about Pokémon toys. They love it, treat it like a family treasure, and are very proud of it.

7. Ranting About Random Stuff Online

We all want to do it, but none of us has the courage. As one Redditor says, "So in our town of less than 3,000 people, the old people don't care at all and just rant and rave."

8. Gambling

Gambling is linked to taking risks, and taking risks is linked to being young. But in this case, it's the other way around.

9. Over-working

Older people did create some bad work cultures around the world, and overwork is one of them. Older people tend to think that working too much is cool and keep doing it even though it's a problem.

10. Refusing To Learn Technology

People don't like to try new things, especially technology. When it comes to trying out new features and user experiences, they are scared, confused, and upset.

11. Being Up to Date With the Weather

Strangely, they like to know what the weather is like where they live and where their family and friends live.

11. Being Up to Date With the Weather

Strangely, they like to know what the weather is like where they live and where their family and friends live.

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