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10 Beauty Habits That Aging Your Skin Too Fast



Skipping sunscreen is one of the primary causes of rapid skin aging. UV radiation destroys your skin from the inside out, causing wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging.

1. Not Using Sunscreen



Irritation and scars result from picking at zits. This habit may cure zits momentarily, but it may permanently injure your skin and hasten aging.

2. Picking Zits



No makeup removal is a potentially harmful beauty technique. It can cause collagen breakdown and premature aging of the skin.

3. Not Removing Makeup



Improper washing can cause both temporary and permanent skin damage. It can trigger breakouts in the short term and harm the suppleness and collagen of your skin in the long run.

4. Poor Cleaning Protocol



Hot water washing can cause skin to become dry and dehydrated. Extremely cold water, on the other hand, might open skin pores and injure them from air toxins.

5. Hot or cold water



Exfoliating dead skin cells and impurities is vital, but doing so too frequently will deplete your skin's natural oil. This makes your skin more vulnerable to harm and less supple.

6. Over-Exfoliating Skin



Another cosmetic procedure that may prematurely age your skin. Most makeup includes harsh chemicals that damage and age the skin.

7. Too Much Makeup



Use cosmetic products designed for your skin type to avoid infections and side effects. Improper skin care products can induce collagen breakdown and premature aging.

8. Choosing Bad Skin Products



Your skin regenerates during night. Even a small amount of dirt on your skin while sleeping can create unpleasant skin conditions and diminish skin flexibility.

9. Not doing nighttime skin care



The skin around your eyes is extremely thin and sensitive. If you don't take care of it, it will age faster and acquire wrinkles. 

10. Ignoring Under-eye Skin

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Anti-Aging Recipes That Can Make You Look Younger