7 Terrible Fashion Choices No Man Should Choose

Too Much Camouflage

One woman said, "Be a guy and wear normal clothes unless you're hunting or running a military operation. Too much trying to hide. Hats, shirts, pants, coats.

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Jeans That Don’t Fit

One guy said, "My wife told me she almost didn't date me because the jeans I wore back in the day were so ugly, lol. 

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Start With Better Grooming Habits

"Good grooming habits are the start of fashion," said one user. "If a guy has long or dirty nails, a crusty beard, greasy hair, bad body odor, etc.,

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Cargo Shorts

"I have no problem with cargo shorts," said one person. I, too, love pockets. But I don't like it when guys wear cargo shorts that are too big for them and make them look like parachutes."

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Saggy Pants

Still, they have their pants on under their buttocks. There is nothing attractive about that stupid dance. When they walk, they do try to keep their pants up. Are you able to stop it? Put your pants up."

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You can't lift a couch if your sunglasses are hanging off your shirt, and if you put them on top of your head, the oil from your hair will get all over the lenses.

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Too Much Jewelry

One person wrote about what she had seen: "I recently saw a guy on the street who was wearing two big gold watches, bracelets, chunky rings, and several gold chains."

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How to Make Beetroot Juice with a Blender

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