5 Ways Your Smoothie Is Making You Gain Weight

You can still enjoy your favorite foods and drinks even if you make better choices for yourself. Smoothies are a good example of this. 

You can put a lot of tasty, healthy ingredients into one drink that you can sip on the go or at your desk while you work. 

If you choose your smoothie ingredients carefully, this drink can be a quick and easy way to get more protein into your day.

1.There is a lack of protein.

Some people may not know how important it is to get enough fiber in what they eat and drink if they don't want to gain weight.

2. You're skipping fiber.

Adding extra sweeteners to your smoothie is common, especially if you're making a green drink with a lot of bitter veggies and leafy greens.

3. You are using too many added sweeteners.

"It's important to watch your portion sizes and intake when drinking smoothies so you don't drink too much."

4. You're using too many high-calorie ingredients.

We've talked about how smoothies with too much extra sugar and not enough protein or fiber can make you gain weight.

5. You're consuming store-bought smoothies.