8 Easy Houseplants That Don't Need Sunlight

The ZZ Plant has a lot going for it: It's low-maintenance; it doesn't need to be watered frequently

1. ZZ Plant

Snake plants are another houseplant that can tolerate pretty much any indoor conditions.

2. Snake Plant

If you're looking for a vining plant that'll cascade as it grows, consider a Tradescantia Zebrin

3. Tradescantia Zebrina

If you're looking for a vining plant that'll cascade as it This is another beautiful trailing houseplantVfor people who lack a green thumb or access to direct sunlight., consider a Tradescantia Zebrin

4. Spider Plant

For those looking to brighten darker corners in their living spaces, the Philodendron Heartleaf is a great option

5. Philodendron Heartleaf

It will still climb, though, so only opt for this houseplant if you can put it in a hanging basket or on a trellis.

6. English Ivy

Peace Lilies are the perfect plant to brighten up a dark corner, thriving in low, indirect sunlight,.

7. Peace Lily