Weighted lunges are a great way to improve your balance and work your quads, hamstrings, and hips at the same time.
This workout with free weights is a great way to tone your lower body and strengthen your core. ime.
Single-leg dumbbell deadlifts are a great way to improve your balance and build your backside. ime.
Bent-over rows strengthen the back and keep the core stable, and they also work the arms. ime.
This move targets your shoulders, arms, and core to help you build a strong, toned upper body. ime.
This version of the bench press will work several chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles. ime.
Not only lifters can have toned arms. This classic workout with free weights will work your biceps, giving you well-defined arms in front and on the sides. ime.
Tricep kickbacks work the back of your arms and are an important part of building strong, toned triceps. ime.