Make Sure All Pets Have ID: It’s really important for all pets to have at least one form of identification.
Pack A Pet Emergency Kit: An emergency pet supplies kit should last at least three days, but a week is best.
Store Food Carefully: Moisture can mold your enormous bag of dog food, leaving your pup without nourishment while you hide.
Keep Everyone Calm: Carry many storm-calming tactics to keep your buddies calm.
Encourage Pottying Indoors: It'll be weird for everyone, but if it's dangerous outside, urge your dog to potty indoors.
Don’t Forget About Large Animals: Secure structures are needed to keep livestock and large pets like horses within.
Make A Pet Evacuation Plan: Leaving pets at home during an evacuation is dangerous.
Consider Alternate Power Sources: A heater-heated aquarium or terrarium can be very dangerous during a power outage.