Don’t Shop at Costco on These Days of the Week

Costco is a great place to buy a lot of different things, like food, household items, electronics, and clothes. 

Shopping at Costco can either be the most fun you've ever had looking for deals or the most stressed, crowded experience that will make you never want to go into a store again.

When there are a lot of people at Costco, it can be hard to move around. But don't worry! There are good days and bad days to shop at Costco, and picking the right day can make all the difference.

The Worst Days To Shop at Costco

Not every day is the same when it comes to Costco.  The busy days are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Many people have weekends off from work, making these days popular for shopping. 

On Saturdays and Sundays, you should also think about the fact that stores are open for less time. 

Most Costco shops close earlier on the weekends, giving you less time to get your shopping done. This can make the groups even bigger as everyone tries to shop at the same time.

What Are the Best Days To Shop at Costco?

Monday through Wednesday are the best days to shop. On these days, the building is usually less busy, so you have more room to move around and a better chance of finding what you need.


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