The 10 Best Iron-Rich Foods You Can Eat


Oysters, known as an aphrodisiac owing to their high zinc content, also contain iron, 43% of your daily value in 3 ounces.

Beef Liver

Heme iron is best found in beef, although the liver has the most. When you consider that a serving of cow liver supplies nearly 30% of your daily vitamin value, its "irony" taste makes sense.

Sesame Seeds

Per 1/4 cup, sesame seeds provide roughly 30% of your daily iron, protein, fiber, potassium, and selenium, which is needed for thyroid function, DNA building, and oxidative stress prevention.

Fortified Rice Puff Cereal

Cereal may be healthy or harmful for breakfast, depending on the brand. A bowl of sweet cereal with little minerals and vitamins may leave you hungry before lunch. 

Black Beans

Black beans are among the healthiest plant-based foods. They provide about 10 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber per serving and significant iron content.

White Beans

White beans like cannellini and navy beans are iron-rich and high in plant-based protein and fiber, with 10 grams and 6 grams per half-cup meal. 

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans include 10 grams of protein, 11 grams of fiber, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, and a high iron content per serving. These beans are fantastic in soups, salads, and rice or quinoa.

Lima Beans

Butter beans, a Southern favorite, pair well with lima beans. The two names are interchangeable depending on where you're from, but these beans are healthful. 


For vegetarians, tofu is one of the few plant proteins that is "complete," meaning it includes all nine essential amino acids needed for protein synthesis. It comprises 21 grams per 1/2 cup. 


Another protein, fiber, and iron-rich legume is lentils. Lentils are "incomplete," lacking part of the nine necessary amino acids, unlike tofu.


Spinach alone doesn't develop muscle, but each serving provides iron. Popeye adored it. Spinach contains protein, potassium, calcium, and vitamin K in addition to iron.

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