This is one of the foundational texts of Vedic Astrology and provides in-depth knowledge about various aspects of astrology, including planets, houses, and predictive techniques.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to Vedic Astrology and covers topics such as the zodiac signs, planets, houses, and predictive techniques.
The Foundation Course" by Richard Fish and Ryan Kurczak: This book is an excellent resource for beginners, providing a step-by-step guide to learning Vedic Astrology.
A Guide to Vedic/Hindu Astrology" by David Frawley: This book explores the deeper spiritual aspects of Vedic Astrology and how it can be used for self-discovery and personal growth.
A beginner-friendly book that covers the basics of Vedic Astrology, including planets, signs, houses, and predictive techniques.
This book provides a thorough understanding of Vedic Astrology concepts and how to apply them in practice.
The Eagle and the Lark" by Bernadette Brady: While not exclusively Vedic, this book introduces predictive techniques that can be adapted for Vedic Astrology practice.
The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology" by Dennis M. Harness: This book focuses on the significance and interpretation of the Nakshatras, the 27 lunar mansions used in Vedic Astrology.